Where do you go for renewal? Where do you go to calm your system, discover your truth, and feel unconditional support?

Imagine for a moment if, through all of the chaos our country is going through, you got to come to place where you could open your heart, be heard and accepted; a safe space for you to experience more connection and loving presence.

Now imagine that you are learning cutting edge relational skills that allow you to touch others deeply and move them into action, to inspire others as you find your conviction and align with your inner truth.

At TNT we excel at providing this experience.

Welcome to the Soul Support Community.

We provide you the opportunity to experience that level of support on a regular basis– the chance relax into a community, to see others and accept them, and have them see you and accept you.

Our Mission

Spiritual transformation for bottom-line tangible results in your business and life.

We support people willing to do their inner work and learn cutting edge relational skills, to forge deeper, more authentic connections so they are radically supported, their hearts open, and they experience financial success.

Led by Ben Saltzman:

I’m a stand for deepening connections, heart openings, and your spiritual evolution.


What You Will Get When You Join the Soul Support Community

What to Expect from our Twice-Monthly Soul Support Community Calls

On these group video sessions Ben Saltzman will be teaching some of the newest concepts in personal development and supporting you in your evolution. You will also get to connect with other members of the Soul Support community in groups of two to four people and explore your type in live time!

Learn the “Relational Mastery” skills we typically teach our advanced students. You can use these skills to build more connection and trust with the people in your life. You will learn to reveal yourself in such a way that others can get and understand you, so you feel more seen and validated.

You will also learn how to deeply see others, so they feel safe in your presence and trust you more.

What Happens On These Calls?

During the first monthly Zoom session, I teach you cutting edge methods for spiritual evolution and emotional healing. I also do live coaching with participants who volunteer to be coached (It’s touching stuff!). You will discover how your Enneagram type is put together, how to uncover it, how it’s getting in the way in your life and holding you back, and what needs to shift so you can build more connection and authentic express in your relationships.

During the second monthly Zoom session, you learn and practice “Relational Skills” in small groups of 3 or 4 people. These skills are designed to help you reveal yourself more fully (and discover how your type is unconsciously operating in your life), navigate conflict with ease, invite others to reveal themselves, and build trust with each other.

Extra Special! Binge Watch “Pillow Talk with The Salties”

Ben Saltzman and Kerena Saltzman dive into their personal arguments, with rich humor and full expression. This series of videos is a the most commented on of them all!  When you join the community you can binge watch the entire series.

 What does the Soul Support Community Cost?

Your investment is only $97/month.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Enneagram?

A tool for deepening self awareness and accelerated spiritual evolution that describes nine personality types with an alarming amount of depth.

How do I discover my Enneagram Type?

You can take our online assessment by clicking “Enneagram Test” in the menu above, talk to one of our coaches and do a “Typing Interview” or watch the videos where Ben describes the nine types and notice which makes you the most uncomfortable (if any make you feel like you want to throw up that’s probably your type!)

Was I born with my Enneagram type or is it something I developed over time?

Basically you were born with your type and then trauma got it stuck in place. We go into this in more depth in the Soul Support Community.

How long does the Soul Support Community Program run?

As long as you want! It’s designed so you can continue deepening your relationships and your personal transformations over time.  It’s easy to stop, just email customer support.

What do I get when I join the Soul Support Community?

Access to a damn fine bunch of people who are committed to their own development and creating a better world. Specifically you get: twice-monthly live group video coaching sessions with Ben where you learn cool stuff and practice the relational skills.

Is this a community or a training program?

Well… it’s a bit of both actually! We have a vibrant community I’m inviting you to join and enjoy AND a training program that teaches cutting edge communication skills and supports the evolution of your Enneagram type.

How much time will be required in this program?

With just a couple of hours, twice per month, you’ll see consistent and positive changes in your life.

Will the live Soul Support calls with Ben be recorded and available if I can't make them live?

Yes, we record them and load them up for you to access within 24 hours. We like you to make them live as often as you can so you get to practice the skills and self explore when we break you up into the small groups of 2 or 3 people.

Can I binge watch this?

All the episodes of  “Pillow Talk with The Salties,” our most commented on and beloved series, will be immediately available.

How is this so cheap?

We are on a mission to touch as many souls as we can. This means we keep it affordable so it’s an easy “Yes” for you…  and we hope you will tell your friends about it and bring them in for the ride!

Do I have to be on Facebook to participate in the Soul Support Community? I'm not on Facebook.

No problem. We have many people who are not on Facebook and they still get the learning and feel part of the gang when they join the live twice-monthly video coaching calls. 

What format is the content in?

You can access the “Salties” videos online. You will get your own ID and password you will use to get access to everything. The live twice-monthly group coaching sessions with Ben are held via Zoom, so you will need a working computer with internet access.

What is your cancellation policy? How do I cancel my community membership?

There is no long term commitment, you can cancel any time. Just email support@touchedandtransformed.com and tell them you want to cancel your Soul Support Community Membership.

“After doing shadow work with Ben, I brought in over $165,000 in sales at my 3-day event, I asked for (and got!) double the offered advance on my new book and, for the first time ever, I’m actually saving 20% of my income each month. Best of all, I feel more open, relaxed and confident than ever before.”

Samantha Bennett

"Ben Saltzman has established himself internationally through his world renown year long program "Relational Mastery" Ben is a highly sought out individual who truly adds value to others through his extraordinary coaching methods."

Bob Proctor

​"​Change is when we learn a new skill or useful new information; transformation is when we reorganize at a deeper level, a new platform for a whole new approach to lifelong learning and growth. You'll get both with Ben Salzman. The work is immediately practical and ultimately spiritual -- new connections, new capacities, new power and freedom in living.​"​

Gordon Wheeler
President, ​Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California