“What Is The Matrix?”
“The Matrix is a distortion, an illusion, a false world appearing real. Your personal Matrix is a prison for your mind created by your Enneagram Type. It gives you blinders to aspects of reality and has you reacting strongly to fears that are simply not true.
When you can see through the illusion, understand your conditioning, and face the truth… you can break free. Your Matrix can only hold you when it’s in the shadows, flickering in and out of your consciousness.
When it is explored deeply and brought into the light you can see the prison in fine detail and unplug from your Matrix (or Type)!
I’m offering you a virtual training program for your specific Enneagram Type that allows you to see it with precision and insight. As you move through the four modules you will come to discover Your Matrix and move from constriction to freedom, from compulsive reactivity to choice.
This is a life changing transformation.
It’s only $7 today!
Click the button below that captures your type (or the “Don’t Know Type” to figure out your type) and join us for the exploration!
I’m only offering you the truth.
Ben (Morpheus) Saltzman