A live call with Ben to demo the application and precision of the Enneagram as a coaching tool.

To talk with Daniel Crosser about the five day “Transformational Coaching With The Enneagram” program Click here to register.

You can get 50% off the regular investment. To read about the coach training package including: the live 5 day program, instant access to the videos of the panels, and the video calls with live coaching that happen twice a month, click this link. Use the coupon code “tntsave2k” to get the 50% off.

“After doing shadow work with Ben, I brought in over $165,000 in sales at my 3-day event, I asked for (and got!) double the offered advance on my new book and, for the first time ever, I’m actually saving 20% of my income each month. Best of all, I feel more open, relaxed and confident than ever before.”

Samantha Bennett

"Ben Saltzman has established himself internationally through his world renown year long program "Relational Mastery" Ben is a highly sought out individual who truly adds value to others through his extraordinary coaching methods."

Bob Proctor

​"​Change is when we learn a new skill or useful new information; transformation is when we reorganize at a deeper level, a new platform for a whole new approach to lifelong learning and growth. You'll get both with Ben Salzman. The work is immediately practical and ultimately spiritual -- new connections, new capacities, new power and freedom in living.​"​

Gordon Wheeler
President, ​Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California