Play the Video and Meet the Team!

The donation you make today will be matched by another sponsor!

You do not need to attend the event to make a donation today!

We will have prizes for the top four finishers in the tournament!

You will have time to connect with other members of the community at the event and a meal will be provided.
The Texes Hold Em Tournament will be held in Santa Cruz, CA on May 11th from 2 PM to 8 PM!

Donations will be used for:

  • Scholarships for players who need financial assistance
  • Travel costs to tournaments
  • Renting gyms for practice (Not easy in Santa Cruz!)

We will have an auction on site with more goodies for you!

When you register, an email with exact location and tournament rules will be sent to you in minutes.

Please choose your donation amount below:

“After doing shadow work with Ben, I brought in over $165,000 in sales at my 3-day event, I asked for (and got!) double the offered advance on my new book and, for the first time ever, I’m actually saving 20% of my income each month. Best of all, I feel more open, relaxed and confident than ever before.”

Samantha Bennett

"Ben Saltzman has established himself internationally through his world renown year long program "Relational Mastery" Ben is a highly sought out individual who truly adds value to others through his extraordinary coaching methods."

Bob Proctor

​"​Change is when we learn a new skill or useful new information; transformation is when we reorganize at a deeper level, a new platform for a whole new approach to lifelong learning and growth. You'll get both with Ben Salzman. The work is immediately practical and ultimately spiritual -- new connections, new capacities, new power and freedom in living.​"​

Gordon Wheeler
President, ​Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California